Distinguished Lecture Series: The 'Choral' Reef Fish of Hawai'i
October 17, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Tenney Theatre at St. Andrews School
An accomplished professor of Biology at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, Dr. Tim Tricas studies the behavior and sensory biology of sharks, rays, and coral reef fish. His work involving scuba, underwater rebreathers and digital technologies has great potential use for coral reef management and conservation, while his most recent research focuses on how the fish brain processes natural sounds used for communication. His lecture will highlight his library of reef fish sounds, and how new applications of this remote bio-acoustic technique may be useful to monitor the health, degradation or recovery of coral reefs over large areas while reducing the need for direct observations by divers.
Ticket Information
Event Sponsor
Waikiki Aquarium , Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 440-9020
Thursday, October 17
12:00pm |
PhD in Social Welfare Information Session Mānoa Campus, 2430 Campus Road, Gartley Hall Room 104
12:00pm |
Brown Bag Biography: Maan Odah Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 410
1:00pm |
Ho-okani Kulanui with Jeff Rasmussen West Oʻahu Campus, Dining Hall
3:00pm |
Oceanography Seminar - Kevin Weng Mānoa Campus, Marine Science Building 114
4:30pm |
SAPFB Town Hall 2 Mānoa Campus, Hemenway Hall 211
4:30pm |
Moving On Up: Adaptive Migration and Climate Justice in Coastal Louisiana Mānoa Campus, Saunders 116
5:00pm |
MSW Program Application Information Meetings Mānoa Campus, 2430 Campus Road, GARTLEY HALL 018 Conference Rm
6:00pm |
Distinguished Lecture Series: The 'Choral' Reef Fish of Hawai'i Mānoa Campus, Tenney Theatre at St. Andrews School