Talk Story "Conflict Transformation in an Era of Rising Tensions"
February 26, 4:00pm - 5:00pmMānoa Campus, Online
Conflict Resolution Alliance "Talk Story" presents, ----------- "Conflict Transformation in an Era of Rising Tensions" with Jos茅 Barzola and Dick Mosher ----------- Session: In an age marked by growing polarization and heightened conflict, finding effective strategies for managing and transforming conflict has never been more critical. This discussion explores practical, non-political approaches to managing disputes and fostering understanding in environments where aggression and division are increasingly common. Let's gather for some insightful conversations. These interactive sessions are not recorded, we encourage cameras to be on, and to create a brave space where we can learn from each other's peacebuilding efforts. ----------- 鈥淭alk Story鈥 is brought to you by the Conflict Resolution Alliance in collaboration with: The Hawaii State Judiciary - Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution 鈥 The Hawai'i State Bar Association - ADR Section 鈥 Conflict and Peace Specialist 鈥 Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace & Conflict Resolution, and Community Mediation Centers: Kaua`i Economic Opportunity, Inc. Mediation Program 鈥 Ku`ikahi Mediation Center 鈥 Maui Mediation Services 鈥 The Mediation Center of the Pacific 鈥 West Hawai`i Mediation Center ----------- More at
Event Sponsor
Conflict and Peace Specialist, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Jose Barzola, 8089562690,,