Harnessing Nature
February 12, 1:00pm - 2:00pmHonolulu Campus, Virtual Presentation
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Event Sponsor
Sustainability Committee and Health and Wellness Committee, Honolulu Campus
More Information
Brenda Coston, 8504189665, bmcoston@hawaii.edu
Wednesday, February 12 |
10:30am |
SNAP Outreach & Enrollment Clinic Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
11:45am |
Tackling the Literature Review Mānoa Campus, Zoom
12:00pm |
Law School Information Session at 91精品黑料吃瓜 Hilo Hilo Campus, Room TBD (see event link below)
12:30pm |
Breathe & Reset: Mid-week Meditation Break Mānoa Campus, Webster Hall, Room 112: 2528 McCarthy Mall Honolulu, HI 96822
12:30pm |
Exploring the artistic use of marine mammal resources in Aotearoa & Hawai鈥檌 Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 319
1:00pm |
Harnessing Nature Honolulu Campus, Virtual Presentation
2:00pm |
Ho鈥榦liuliu Series: Fostering Financial Wellness Mānoa Campus, QLCSS 208
3:30pm |
Seminar in Atmospheric Sciences Mānoa Campus, MSB 100 (Marine Sciences Building)
3:30pm |
ORE Seminar: An Acoustic Ray Tracing Optimization Approach for Tomographic ... Mānoa Campus, Holmes Hall 247
4:00pm |
Beyond Collective Action Problems with Atul Pokharel Mānoa Campus, ARCH 205
4:30pm |
Tech Minds Meetup Mānoa Campus, Walter Dods Jr RISE Center
5:30pm |
Law School Information Session in Waimea Mānoa Campus, Thelma Parker Memorial Public and School Library, 67-1209 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kamuela, HI 96743
6:30pm |
Rosalie Abella: Putting Law Back in the Service of Humanity Mānoa Campus, William S Richardson School of Law, Classroom 2