Teaching 1898: America's Imperial Legacy in Oceania - Panel 1
September 4, 6:00pm - 8:00pmKing Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center, 417 S King St, Honolulu, HI 96813, O驶ahu
The recent convening and celebrations of the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture in Hawai驶i demonstrate the growing importance of Oceanic nations uniting to shape a future of mutual connection and collaboration. We invite you to join a two-part civic education discussion- Teaching 1898: America Imperial Legacy in Oceania- bringing together esteemed educators to explore the historical context of America's military and political expansion into Hawai驶i the Philippines, and island nations across the Pacific. The panelists, drawing from their diverse backgrounds and professional expertise, will highlight the impacts and legacy of US Imperialism, share how they incorporate this history into their teachings, and express why civic education is crucial to building an informed, empowered, and united society. Moderator - Jonathan Kay Kamakawiwo驶ole Osorio Presenters - John Rosa, Vina Lanzona, Kaw膿lau Wright, Tammy Tabe Free Event. Registration required.
Event Sponsor
Hawaiinuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Malia Nobrega-Olivera, (808) 956-0980, hawaiianhistorymonth@gmail.com,
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Teaching 1898: America's Imperial Legacy in Oceania - Panel 1 King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center, 417 S King St, Honolulu, HI 96813, O驶ahu
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