Other 91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendars
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Last modified July 23, 2024
FREE FOOD & DRINKS for participants! Sign up by 10/10/23. Come through when you can, stay as long as you can. We'll be talking about plants and wildlife in this space while cleaning, weeding, and planting. Please bring whatever you need to feel comfortable and protected from the outdoors - water and sun, rain, and bug protection.
Event Sponsor
Campus Arboretum & Landscaping with SAPFB, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Noweo Kai, 8084986395, uhmtrees@hawaii.edu,
Friday, October 13 |
9:00am |
Campus Blood Drive Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Executive Dining Room
10:00am |
Know Your Campus: A Service-Learning Event Mānoa Campus, HIG courtyard
1:00pm |
Communication & Information Sciences Final Oral Mānoa Campus, https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/93100505974?pwd=M2FrQXBCS3BtQkR5Ums1Vy9XWTUrUT09
1:00pm |
East Asian Languages and Literature Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/93951127857 Meeting ID: 939 5112 7857 Passcode: 865228
3:00pm |
Aloha 驶膧ina Fridays: K奴kulu Kumuhana Contemplative Sessions Mānoa Campus, Online
5:00pm |
Freaky Friday Mānoa Campus, Campus Center