Migrant Caravans of Mexico | Amelia Frank-Vitale
March 9, 12:00pm - 1:15pmMānoa Campus, Zoom Webinar
Migrant Caravans of Mexico | Amelia Frank-Vitale Abstract: In this talk, I discuss the history and trajectory of migrant caravans in Mexico, starting from the first, small gathering in 2011 through to the massive caravan of 2018 that made international headlines and drew the ire of then President Donald Trump. Drawing from ethnographic research on Central American transit migration conducted over the last decade, I define the caravan as a unique mix of accompaniment and protest and place it within the larger context of creative strategies of mobility that emerge as people adapt to the changing landscape of migration enforcement. Bio: Amelia Frank-Vitale received her PhD in Anthropology earlier this year from the University of Michigan. She is currently a postdoctoral research associate and lecturer at Princeton University in the Program in Latin American Studies. Her work broadly examines migration and violence in Central America and Mexico, strategies of survival and resistance at home and in transit, and her current project focuses on how young Honduran deportees navigate life after being sent back to neighborhoods labeled as among the world鈥檚 most dangerous. Date and Time: Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022. 12-1.15 p.m. Registration Link: https://hawaii.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UIc_qBY8QKyqiOcbNqAbXQ PDF with link to registration attached. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Ticket Information
Free with registration
Event Sponsor
International Cultural Studies Certificate Program, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Marina George, 8088596232, marinage@hawaii.edu,
Wednesday, March 9 |
9:00am |
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Migrant Caravans of Mexico | Amelia Frank-Vitale Mānoa Campus, Zoom Webinar
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Migrant Caravans in Mexico | Amelia Frank-Vitale Mānoa Campus, Zoom Webinar
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