"N? Hua Ea and Building Decolonial Community" with Aiko Yamashiro
April 29, 12:00pm - 1:15pmMānoa Campus, Zoom
"N? Hua Ea and Building Decolonial Community: Writing Poetry with ??ina and Each Other" How can writing and performing poetry together build decolonial community? In this Brown Bag, I will share some excerpts and reflections from my dissertation on N? Hua Ea--an annual workshop series and community gathering for poetry, mele, awa, and storytelling about our struggles and experiences of ea (life, breath, sovereignty, rising, and more). Folks are welcome to read from the dissertation ahead of time if interested, and it can be found online here: https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/68990. One of the most important and challenging aspects of this dissertation was how to tell stories about hui, collectives, solidarities, and process; not just products and not just individuals. This presentation will share some of these reflections on our lives--how we connect and change and grow in these larger relationships. We will also be treated with a guest appearance from another N? Hua Ea co-organizer--musician and kalo farmer Hanale Bishop--who will share some writing prompts and activities for "writing poetry with ??ina and each other." Please join us for a nice time together, and let our collective ea continue to grow and flourish! Aiko Yamashiro was raised in K?ne?ohe, O?ahu, is grateful for her ancestors, friends, and islands who all hold her to very high standards, and is currently doing her best to serve as executive director of Hawai?i Council for the Humanities. Cosponsored by Hamilton Library and the Departments of Political Science, Women鈥檚 Studies, and Ethnic Studies Meeting ID: ?927 1248 3977 Password: 199947
Event Sponsor
Center for Biographical Research, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Zo毛 E. Sprott, (808) 956-3774, gabiog@hawaii.edu,
Thursday, April 29 |
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"N? Hua Ea and Building Decolonial Community" with Aiko Yamashiro Mānoa Campus, Zoom
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