91¾«Æ·ºÚÁϳԹÏM School of Architecture Virtual Open House
December 15, 4:00pm - 5:00pmvia Zoom
We invite you to learn more about our University of Hawai'i at Manoa School of Architecture degree programs that explore urban, architectural, landscape, and ecological design at multiple scales. We offer the Bachelor of Environmental Design, Master of Landscape Architecture, Doctor of Architecture, and Global Track degree programs. Hawai'i's remote island context offers one of the richest settings for the study of built and natural environments. Meet our faculty and talk story with our students to get a first-hand understanding of this unique educational experience.
Ticket Information
To register, go to our website.
Event Sponsor
91¾«Æ·ºÚÁϳԹÏM School of Architecture, Mānoa Campus
More Information
808.956.3461, arch@hawaii.edu, http://www.arch.hawaii.edu/events/open-house/
Tuesday, December 15 |
10:00am |
Education Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Virtual Defense: see link below
10:00am |
SCEP Live Online: Storyteller Nyla Fujii-Babb Mānoa Campus, Hosted by Kaunoa Senior Center Online
12:00pm |
East-West Toastmasters Leadership/Public Speaking Club Meeting Mānoa Campus, Online meeting via Zoom: email santiago@hawaii.edu for login information
12:00pm |
Alberto Gonzalez Martinez. PhD Presentation: Title: Exploratory analysis of Re Mānoa Campus, https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/99731629197?pwd=NTVsdFgxN0lERkUyV3RTSVhyUE5DUT09
4:00pm |
91¾«Æ·ºÚÁϳԹÏM School of Architecture Virtual Open House via Zoom