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Last modified July 23, 2024
The CKS postdoctoral fellow Dr. Heather Mellquist Lehto’s talk!
South Korea contains many of the largest megachurches in the world. Yet even within these Korean churches, there is the impression that Korean churches primarily emulate American megachurches.
The speaker will outline two key ways in which Korean megachurches have shaped Christianity around the globe, demonstrating that even the most famous American megachurches have followed the example of South Korean megachurches by adopting both the multisite church structure and cell groups.
Event Sponsor
Center for Korean Studies, Mānoa Campus
More Information
SULIM KIM, (808) 956-7041, kimsulim@hawaii.edu
Wednesday, January 29 |
11:30am |
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Information Session Mānoa Campus, iLab Building 37, 2532 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822
11:45am |
Exporting Virtue: China’s international Human Rights Activism Mānoa Campus, WSRSL Room 254
1:00pm |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Summer in Lille, France Mānoa Campus, Moore 155A
2:00pm |
Intro to Computer Basics Honolulu Campus, Bldg. 5 Rm. 203
2:00pm |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Summer in Berlin, Germany Mānoa Campus, Moore 155A
3:00pm |
LGBTQ+ Student Coffee Hour Mānoa Campus, ZOOM ID: 202 052 344
3:30pm |
Atmospheric Sciences Seminar Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building, MSB 100
3:30pm |
Celebrate Students’ Day (Tatyana’s Day) with games and festivities! Mānoa Campus, 252 Moore Hall
4:00pm |
How Korean Megachurches Have Changed the World-And Why You May Not Know About Mānoa Campus, Center for Korean Studies
6:00pm |
God’s Not Dead Mānoa Campus, Spalding Hall Room 155