Challenges and Opportunities: Editing in Cinematic Virtual Reality

March 24, 3:30pm - 4:15pm
Mānoa Campus, Crawford 212

During the past decade, VR has emerged as a new narrative medium, including cinematic virtual reality. Like conventional film, VR film footage can be edited. However, the embodied experience of VR presents novel challenges when editing film. After a brief introduction to VR film, Dr. Gruenewald will present an overview of how VR filmmakers have responded to these challenges and have found creative solutions specific to VR film. The talk will include VR works ranging from early examples of 360º film such as Chris Milk’s Evolution of Verse (2015) to the current state of the art in VR filmmaking such as Submerged (2025).


Tim Gruenewald is Associate Professor and Director of the BA in Global Creative Industries at the University of Hong Kong. He is the author of Curating America’s Painful Past: Memory, Museums, and the National Imagination(2021, Kansas UP) and the co-editor of Imperial Benevolence: U.S. Foreign Policy and American Popular Culture (2018, University of California Press). His articles on public history in the United States and on narrative Virtual Reality have appeared in Communication, Culture, and Critique, Cultural Studies, Journal of American Culture, and elsewhere. His research on the National Mall and on VR film was funded by the HK Research Grants Council. He received research awards from the National Council on Public History (USA) and the Popular Culture Association (USA). His documentary Sacred Ground (2015) about Wounded Knee, SD and Mount Rushmore won the Independent Spirit Award at the Idyllwild Festival of International Cinema. His documentary Dao – The Way explores philosophy of Japanese martial arts and will be released in 2025.

Ticket Information
Open to Faculty and Students of School of Cinematic Arts / Limited Seats First Come First Served

Event Sponsor
School of Cinematic Arts, Mānoa Campus

More Information
George Chun Han Wang, 808-956-5660,,

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