Life's a Wonder--A Mental Health Event
April 9, 10:00am - 2:00pmMānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
You're cordially invited to our spectacular event--Life's a Wonder!--on Tuesday, April 9th from 10 AM - 2 PM. The Peer Fellows of the Counseling and Student Development Center will be hosting this event promoting positive mental health and sharing tips and tricks to help you power through the end of the semester. Learn about time management, setting boundaries, resilience, and other resources to support your well-being. Join us for boba from Ding Tea, delicious cookies, and other treats! Hang out with our special guests, visiting therapy dogs. You can even commemorate this event with a photo at our photo booth! Funded in part by the Student Activity and Program Fee Board.
Event Sponsor
Counseling and Student Development Center, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-7927,
Tuesday, April 9 |
9:00am |
Education Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Wist 233, Zoom Mtg info below, pwd=THNlekFmQ2h6ODR6NTd2dm5zV3Vhdz09
9:30am |
Astronomy Final Oral Mānoa Campus, IfA Manoa Auditorium
10:00am |
Life's a Wonder--A Mental Health Event Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
11:00am |
Geography & Environment Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 258
11:00am |
Careers in Public Service - State Government Industry Fair Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Mall (2nd Floor Tables)
12:00pm |
GETSEA Simulcast Film Screening with the Bophana Center Mānoa Campus, Hamilton Library, 306
12:00pm |
Theatre Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Tokioka Room (Moore Hall 319)
1:00pm |
Engaging China Through Academic and Educational Exchanges at 91精品黑料吃瓜M Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 155B
1:30pm |
Sewing Workshop: Reusable Period Products Mānoa Campus, 2600 Campus Road
2:30pm |
Engaging China Through Academic and Educational Exchanges at 91精品黑料吃瓜M Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 155B
3:00pm |
Articulating Foundations Written Comm. & Writing Intensive in 91精品黑料吃瓜 GenEd Mānoa Campus, Online
3:00pm |
Atmospheric Sciences Final Oral Mānoa Campus, POST 414