Panel Discussion “A Decade of Cross-Cultural Collaboration"
February 28, 12:00pm - 1:30pmMānoa Campus, Moore Hall 417
Panel Discussion “A Decade of Cross-Cultural Collaboration: How Hawaii Inspired China's Children's Museum Development” Over a decade ago, Chinese philanthropist Mr. NIU Gensheng had an unexpected visit to the Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center (HCDC). Following this eye-opening experience, he promptly met with HCDC's founder, Loretta Yajima, marking the beginning of a decade-long cross-cultural collaboration. Liane Usher, HCDC's current president, will share HCDC’s local impact and how its cross-continent influence started. Dr. Ni Zhang will then discuss the collaborative efforts involving private foundations, government institutions, and non-profit organizations that led to the establishment of the two pilot children’s museums in China. Following video footage from these museums, Xin Liu will share the Children’s Museum Research Center (CMRC)’s current projects and ongoing impact on Chinese children’s museum education. The significant impact of these pilot children’s museums and CMRC on Chinese children, families, and early childhood education may serve as inspiration for cross-cultural projects. Register in advance for this webinar:ƷϳԹRmSg46SV_ZkqTg After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Event Sponsor
Center for Chinese Studies, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Wednesday, February 28 |
9:00am |
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Panel Discussion “A Decade of Cross-Cultural Collaboration" Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 417
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