WRRC Seminar
November 3, 1:00pm - 2:00pmMānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting
Building a Network of Projects Mauka to Makai to Protect and Restore Maunalua Bay by Dr. Pam Weiant
Mālama Maunalua
Please join us and learn about Mālama Maunalua, an organization dedicated to “restoring the health of Maunalua Bay through habitat restoration, science and planning, and education and outreach.” Maunalua Bay, located in Hawai‘i Kai along O‘ahu’s southeast shore, is one of the largest bays in the main Hawaiian Islands. It is also one of the most heavily used and impacted bays. Maunalua Bay’s marine resources are important for many reasons, including culture, livelihood, and recreation, but are degraded because of overutilization and urban development. For the past 15 years, Mālama Maunalua has been working on various projects to help protect and restore this treasured body of water. By taking a true mauka-to-makai approach, and partnering with local experts and organization, a unique network of restoration projects are having a big impact on the bay. This presentation will share new project ideas to mitigate land-based runoff, and will invite new collaborators and partners to join us and enhance our work.
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 915 0159 0768
Passcode: 794040
Event Sponsor
WRRC, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Keri Kodama, 808-956-3097, kodamak8@hawaii.edu
Wednesday, November 3 |
8:30am |
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