
The 91精品黑料吃瓜 System

Who We Are

Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Davis Award Winner

LaVache Scanlan, headshot

LaVache Scanlan

LaVache Scanlan is an associate professor for the First Year Experience Program at Kapi‘olani Community College.

She provides the patience and understanding that every student needs when starting out in college. Scanlan is someone who listens to the question being asked and she goes out of her way to find the correct answer so that students can stay on track without getting frustrated.

Her curiosity to explore the world has led her to return with new insights and ideas to improve the educational experiences of her students. She is not afraid to tackle new projects if they give a better sense of place to her students.

Scanlan was one of 25 faculty members from across the nation selected to participate in the Global Skills for College Completion program. This program allowed her to document, analyze and get feedback on her teaching for two years from the top developmental education facility in the nation.

“I love working at Kapi‘olani CC and I am grateful for the students, faculty, and staff whom I get to interact with and learn from every day,” said Scanlan.

The Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching recognizes dedication and demonstrated excellence as teachers of undergraduate students. It was established as a memorial to the late Frances Davis, who taught mathematics at Leeward Community College and 91精品黑料吃瓜 Manoa for 19 years.

Current Winners
Go to for stories on the latest honorees.

2002 – 2015 Honorees
2012–2015 | 2007–2011 | 2002–2006.


Corey Adler, headshot
Corey Adler
Anne Chung, headshot
Anne Chung
LaVache Scanlan, headshot
LaVache Scanlan

Past winners from 2007–2011 and 2002–2006.