91精品黑料吃瓜 System Policies and Procedures
- Board of Regents Policies
- Executive Policies
- Administrative Procedures
91精品黑料吃瓜‐Related Laws and Rules
Policies and Procedures Information System (PPIS)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)Topic: Archived Procedures
Question: I can’t find an Administrative Procedure that I know currently exists.
Answer: Administrative Procedures are being converted from the old PDF format to the new format similar to that of converted Board of Regent and Executive Policies in the Policies and Procedures Information System. During this transition period, Procedures that have not as yet been converted may be accessed by clicking on the link "Old Format", under the Administrative Procedures section.
Topic: Archived Policies
Question: Where can I find "old" or archived versions of converted Board of Regent or Executive Policies?
Answer: In the left-hand table of contents of PPIS, under each of the respective categories of Policy/Procedure see "Archived RP or EP".
Topic: Search Features
Question: What search features are available in PPIS?
Answer: In the PPIS "Search" field users may cite key words; use " " to limit a search to a specific phrase; and/or conduct a wildcard search where only a portion of a word is known, e.g., wild*. Searches may only be conducted on Policies and Procedures that have been converted to the new format.
Topic: Effective and Review Dates
Question: What is the difference between a Policy/Procedure Effective Date versus Review Date?
Answer: The Effective Date of a Policy/Procedure is the date that the Policy/Procedure was approved by the President or appropriate Vice President. The Review Date is the three-year cycle date that Policies/Procedures in select chapters will be reviewed, that is, Policies/Procedures in Chapter 1-4 will be reviewed beginning Augusts 2017,Policies/Procedures in Chapter 5-8 will be reviewed beginning Augusts 2018,Policies/Procedures in Chapter 9-12 will be reviewed beginning Augusts 2019.
Topic: Policy/Procedure Creation/Amendment
Question: As the Designated Lead to develop a new or amended Policy/Procedure, what must I do?
Answer: In the development of a new Policy/Procedure, the Designated Lead:
Topic: Attachments
Question: How do I identify attachments to Policies/Procedures?
Answer: When identifying an attachment: Use Arabic numbers, Attachment 1, Attachment 2, etc..; no alphabetic designations, e.g., Attachment A, Attachment B, etc.; and no roman numeral designations, e.g., Attachment I, Attachment II, etc. When listing attachments in the Reference Section of the Template, please list all attachments with Attachment Number and Title, e.g., "Attachment 1, |