Help Making Queries

General Instructions

To locate people, enter one of the following in the search field:
Search By Search Field
Full name Stephanie Chen Stephanie S Chen Step* Chen
First name Stephanie
Last name Chen
91精品黑料吃瓜 Username chen
Email Address
Phone Number (808) 956-1234 956-1234 6-1234

Then, click the "Search" button. The search is not case sensitive. Do not use nicknames in your search - directory entries contain full names only.

If there are more than five matches returned, select from the list of names to view their detailed personal information.

Only the first 100 results are returned. Entering both a first and last name will greatly reduce the search results.

Wildcard Search

Wildcards searches allow you to search on partial names. Use the asterisk(*) symbol to indicate "any letter or letters" as in the following examples:

Search Results
ste* chen Stephanie Chen Stephen Chen  
janet fr* Janet Franklin Janet Fredericksen Janet Fredrick

Personal entries within this directory contain a person's given name so do not use nicknames in your search. You may enter both first and last name in the search field. For example, "Bruce Miller." This will narrowed down the search greatly.

Updating the Database Information


If your directory information is missing or incorrect, please contact your department contact. If you don't see a department group name that might include your department, contact University Relations <>.

Report Problems

If you get any other kind of error, please write to and explain in detail the problem you are having, including the text of any error messages you may be getting.