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Last modified July 23, 2024
What are Open Educational Resources? How do they fit into textbook affordability at 91精品黑料吃瓜 惭腻苍辞补? Which exciting projects are already in the works? This introductory session will answer these questions and more, showcasing major adoptions and innovative OER publishing happening at 91精品黑料吃瓜M and across the 91精品黑料吃瓜 system. Come find out why so many courses are switching to OER, and how faculty and instructors can get support adopting and customizing OER for their courses.
Ticket Information
To Register: https://forms.gle/aFucNnXsLyXuQ7zPA
Event Sponsor
OFDAS Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Mānoa Campus
More Information
OFDAS Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), (808) 956-6978, cte@hawaii.edu, , Getting Started with OER (PDF)
Tuesday, October 1 |
12:00pm |
Women Breaking the Silence: Memoirs of Second Generation Holocaust Survivor Mānoa Campus, Hamilton Library - Room 301
12:00pm |
Identifying and Applying to Graduate Schools Mānoa Campus, Hybrid: Moore 104 and Zoom
12:00pm |
October Slice of PI-CASC Seminar Mānoa Campus, 2525 Correa Rd, HIG 210
12:00pm |
Getting Started with OER Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106 Events Room
12:00pm |
Simultcast Film Screening: Breaking the Cycle Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 316, Tokioka Room
3:00pm |
Study Abroad Info Session - Semester in London, England Mānoa Campus, Zoom
4:00pm |
United States Patent and Trademark Office Information Session Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Dining Room 203C (Located in Campus Center Food Court)