Brown Bag Biography with J. Hau驶oli Lorenzo-Elarco
December 1, 12:00pm - 1:15pmMānoa Campus, Zoom
The Center for Biographical Research presents: / 鈥淗e Aloha No Kaualilinoe: The N奴pepa Writings of a Kanaka from 惭腻苍辞补鈥 / J. Hau驶oli Lorenzo-Elarco, Instructor of Hawaiian Language, Honolulu Community College; PhD Student, Ka Haka 驶Ula o Ke驶elik艒lani, University of Hawai驶i at Hilo / At Luheikawai, a forgotten place name somewhere in the valley of 惭腻苍辞补, a newspaper writer wrote down three oral traditions: "Ka Moolelo o Kalelealuaka," "Ka Moolelo o Kamaakamahiai," and "E hoi ka ui o Manoa ua ahiahi." Though these stories are well-known today, the author wrote under a pseudonym, J. W. K. Kaualilinoe, and his identity remains a mystery. In this presentation, Hau驶oli will speak about the method and results of his master's thesis (Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, 2021), which analyzes the writings of the elusive Kaualilinoe and uncovers hints of his true identity. More importantly, this study provides a deeper understanding of the Hawaiian thought masterfully woven into Hawaiian language compositions of the 19th century while also honoring a lesser-known, yet equally important, Hawaiian writer./ Cosponsored by Hamilton Library, the Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Ka Haka 驶Ula o Ke驶elik艒lani College of Hawaiian Language, the School of Communication & Information, the Academy for Creative Media, the Hawai驶inui膩kea School of Hawaiian Knowledge, the Departments of History, Political Science, Ethnic Studies, and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Hawai驶i at 惭腻苍辞补; and K奴lana Hawai驶i, Honolulu Community College/ Thursday, December 1 / Zoom / 12 noon to 1:15PM HST / Zoom link: https:// / Zoom Meeting ID: 974 6359 3162 / Password: 606520
Event Sponsor
Center for Biographical Research, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Caroline Zuckerman, 8089563774,, , Elarco BB Poster (PDF)
Thursday, December 1 |
9:00am |
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Mānoa Campus, Campus Center - Executive Dining Room
11:00am |
Education Final Oral Mānoa Campus, OE Portable Ono B Room, and Zoom link:
12:00pm |
Brown Bag Biography with J. Hau驶oli Lorenzo-Elarco Mānoa Campus, Zoom
2:00pm |
Second Language Studies Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Moore 258; ZOOM Room 933-1680-1211
3:00pm |
Mathematics Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Keller 404
4:00pm |
Public Health Undergraduate Summit Mānoa Campus, Biomedical Sciences Building D-Courtyard