Other 91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendars
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Last modified July 23, 2024
Presenters: 91精品黑料吃瓜M Earth Sciences and Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology Graduate and Postdoctoral Researchers
Title: Lightning Talks: Early Career Edition
Zoom link available at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17heJzaLGsXoamS2QrRfAHda83vGpwYUj2mrQ9823mXc/edit?usp=sharing with 91精品黑料吃瓜 account.
Non-91精品黑料吃瓜 participants, please contact the department to obtain the link.
Event Sponsor
Dept. of Earth Sciences, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Tom Shea, (808) 956-9819, tshea@hawaii.edu
Friday, February 18 |
12:00am |
Virtual 91精品黑料吃瓜 KIDS FIRST! Film Festival Mānoa Campus, Virtual
8:30am |
Spring 2022 DOH-91精品黑料吃瓜 Public Webinar Series on Aging Mānoa Campus, https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvc-2qqz4qE9QvcqyHowHfTQucxHbN4DhB
10:00am |
UN SDG student workshop West Oʻahu Campus, online- with live presenters
2:00pm |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Year in Kobe, Japan Mānoa Campus, Virtual - Zoom
2:00pm |
Scientific Workflows and Gateways Mānoa Campus, In Person at 103 Keller Hall, 91精品黑料吃瓜 Manoa or Online via Zoom
2:00pm |
WRRC Seminar Mānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting
2:30pm |
National Student Exchange Informational Meeting Mānoa Campus, virtual
3:00pm |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Year in Machida, Japan Mānoa Campus, Virtual - Zoom
3:30pm |
Lightning Talks: Early Career Edition Mānoa Campus, Zoom Webinar
4:00pm |
Entrepreneurship Live with Assaf Karmon Mānoa Campus, 2404 Maile Way, Room E-502
6:00pm |
AAUW-91精品黑料吃瓜M Movie Night: But I'm a Cheerleader Mānoa Campus, Virtual on Zoom