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Last modified July 23, 2024
Leadership in Kanaka Research
Advancing the Science and Practice of Conserving H墨h墨wai. Using ecology and traditional ecological knowledge to overcome threats to an endemic Hawaiian gastropod.
Come listen to Kiloaulani Ka驶awa-Gonzales presentation about the h墨h墨wai and see how he weaved traditional western and Hawaiian understanding to conduct research in service to his community.
Wednesday, December 08, 2021
12 pm HST
The Zoom link for this session is:
Password: ukana2
Event Sponsor
Hawai驶i Papa o Ke Ao, University of Hawaii
More Information
Gail Makuakane-Lundin, 808-932-7418,,
Wednesday, December 8 |
12:00pm |
Ali驶i Accomplishments presented by Maui College Maui Campus, Zoom
2:00pm |
Politics of Conservation and Heritage in Southeast Asia Mānoa Campus, On Zoom
3:00pm |
Achieving 'Peace in The Age of Chaos Mānoa Campus, Online
3:30pm |
ORE Seminar: Flood and Erosion Hazard Mitigation for North Shore, O'ahu Mānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting, Please see description for Meeting ID and Passcode
4:00pm |
LGBTQ+ Coffee Hour Mānoa Campus, Location emailed after registration