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Last modified May 11, 2024
Join in celebrating University of Hawai驶i驶s 7 years of providing high performance computing resources to our community. Our distinguished researchers who rely on Mana HPC for their computational work will showcase their research from a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines.
Ticket Information Event Sponsor More Information
Hawai驶i Data Science Institute, University of Hawaii
8089568982, datasci@hawaii.edu,
Tuesday, February 22 |
8:00am |
Nursing Practice Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom
9:00am |
High Performance Computing Symposium Mānoa Campus, ITC 105AB and Online via Zoom
10:00am |
Unlock the Power of Purpose with Richard Leider zoom
12:00pm |
Computer Science Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom: https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/96928248361 Meeting ID: 969 2824 8361 Passcode: 020143
12:00pm |
Computer Science Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom: https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/96928248361 Meeting ID: 969 2824 8361 Passcode: 020143
2:00pm |
People and their Forests Mānoa Campus, On Zoom
4:00pm |
WICHE Mānoa Campus, Online/via Zoom
4:00pm |
Being a Native Hawaiian in the Peace Corps Mānoa Campus, 2600 Campus Road
4:00pm |
Being a Native-Hawaiian in the Peace Corps Mānoa Campus, Online
5:30pm |
Paying for Law School Mānoa Campus, Sinclair Library, Room 107B