APRIL 2021
Other 91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendars
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Last modified May 11, 2024
Hooponopono is commonly thought of as a way to mend only family relationships, but family in the Polynesian perspective is extended to our communities, and generations to follow. The way Polynesians address and deal with conflict will be the focus of my presentation. April 7 - April 30 | 34th Annual Peer Mediation Conference, Adventures in Peer Mediation | Skills Workshop
Event Sponsor
Matsunaga Institute for Peace, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Jose Barzola, 808-956-6433, uhip@hawaii.edu,
Wednesday, April 28 |
12:00pm |
Song & Storytelling from Windward CC Windward Campus, Zoom
12:00pm |
The War Crimes Documentation Initiative (WCDI) at 91精品黑料吃瓜M Mānoa Campus, via Zoom
2:00pm |
Mekong Dams: Debates and the Politics of Evidence Mānoa Campus, https://eastwestcenter.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_97ocEpBgR9aixsZsW0cx_A
2:00pm |
Launching A Successful Peer Mediation Program, Skill Workshop Mānoa Campus, Online
3:00pm |
Music Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom Video Conferencing, Link Below
3:00pm |
Mathematics Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom Video Conferencing, Link Below
3:00pm |
Mediation Through A Cultural Lens, Skill Workshop Mānoa Campus, Online
3:30pm |
Atmospheric Sciences Seminar Mānoa Campus, Virtual Meeting
4:00pm |
LGBTQ+ in the Workforce: A Panel Discussion of LGBTQ+ Professionals Mānoa Campus, Zoom webinar, Registration Required: http://go.hawaii.edu/qZJ
7:00pm |
Brandt Webinar, Polynesian Ancestral Knowledge Mānoa Campus, https://bit.ly/brandtweb