ICSCP Spring 2021 Speaker Series: Remote Fieldwork in Post-Pandemic Era
April 14, 12:00pm - 1:15pmMānoa Campus, East-West Center Burns Hall 2045
“Remote Fieldwork with Endangered and Minority Language Communities: Challenges and Opportunities for Documentary Linguistics” Research in language documentation and conservation is built upon close collaborations between linguists and members of communities who speak/sign a minoritized language. These relationships are ideally built upon an understanding that language work should be beneficial to both community and academic goals. They are often long-term and involve training and capacity building. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted these collaborations, causing linguists and others to re-imagine language research—often resulting in new and innovative approaches employing remote field work. In this panel, students and faculty discuss the resulting challenges and opportunities now emerging in documentary linguistics.
Ticket Information
Register at: https://hawaii.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Fheml0d3SPKQOOvrMmI6uA
Event Sponsor
International Cultural Studies, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 944-7593, culture@hawaii.edu
Wednesday, April 14 |
9:30am |
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ICSCP Spring 2021 Speaker Series: Remote Fieldwork in Post-Pandemic Era Mānoa Campus, East-West Center Burns Hall 2045
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