Other 91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendars
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Last modified May 11, 2024
Applying to medical school this or next cycle? Come and listen to a comprehensive breakdown of important dates, procedures, and strategies so you can be ready to go when the application for medical schools opens in May.
Event Sponsor
PAC: Pre-Health Pre-Law Advising Center, Mānoa Campus
More Information
PAC: Pre-Health Pre-Law Advising Center, 808-956-8646, uhpac@hawaii.edu,
Wednesday, February 24 |
9:00am |
Engineering Spring Career Day Mānoa Campus, via Brazen online platform
10:00am |
Job Search 101 Honolulu Campus, https://www.honolulu.hawaii.edu/ikea
10:00am |
SCEP Live Online with Storyteller Jeff Gere Mānoa Campus, Hosted by Kaunoa Senior Center Online
12:00pm |
Got Kids? Catch up with SPAM Every Wednesday! Mānoa Campus, for meeting password email gotkids@hawaii.edu
12:00pm |
Song & Storytelling from 91精品黑料吃瓜 Hilo Hilo Campus, Zoom
2:00pm |
Migration, Mobility, and the Mekong Mānoa Campus, https://eastwestcenter.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_97ocEpBgR9aixsZsW0cx_A
2:00pm |
Nursing Practice Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom
2:00pm |
Migration, Mobility, and the Mekong Mānoa Campus, bit.ly/2MwNrOv
2:30pm |
Rhodes, Marshall, Luce, Fulbright Scholarships Info Sessions Mānoa Campus, via Zoom
3:30pm |
ORE Seminar: Understanding the Fundamentals of Vortex-induced Vibrations Mānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting, Please see description for Meeting ID and Passcode
3:30pm |
Atmospheric Sciences Seminar Mānoa Campus, Virtual Meeting
4:00pm |
LGBTQ+ Student Coffee Hour Mānoa Campus, On Zoom
4:00pm |
Antiracist Parenting 201 Mānoa Campus, Virtual via Zoom
4:30pm |
Intellectual Property Workshop with Wendy K. Peterson and Jeffrey L. Van Hoose Mānoa Campus, Zoom
5:00pm |
Applying to Medical School Mānoa Campus, Online
5:00pm |
Law School Admissions Zoom Information Session Mānoa Campus, Virtual