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Last modified May 11, 2024
This workshop will introduce basic library resources for people who want to see what the library has to offer these days. Presented by Brian Richardson Hamilton Library, Business, Humanities and Social Sciences Reference Topics will include: - Overview of the library website: http://manoa.hawaii.edu/library - Research Guides - Interlibrary loans - Study Rooms - using OneSearch to search our collection - accessing e-Books - finding specialized databases - Google Scholar - finding dissertations on ScholarSpace and ProQuest Contact Brian Richardson at richards@hawaii.edu to register or for more information.
Event Sponsor
Hamilton Library, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Sunday, January 24 |
11:30am |
Basic Library Resources Mānoa Campus, Hamilton Library (Zoom)
2:00pm |
Introduction to Zotero Mānoa Campus, Hamilton Library Zoom