
Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive FAQs


Google Drive allows you to upload/create files online, giving you the ability to share and access these files anywhere. This document is a compilation of frequently asked questions (FAQ).


How Do I Create/Edit a Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive document?

To create a new document

  1. If you are logged in to Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 mail (), click on Drive in the upper left-hand corner.  Otherwise, visit  directly.

  2. Click on the red Create  button and select the document type (i.e., Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form, Drawing, etc.).

For information on editing a Google document consult the following Getting Started Guides

  • Document  
  • Spreadsheet 
  • Presentation 


How Do I Delete a Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive document?

Deleting a document

  1. From the Drive document list, select the document by placing a checkmark, then click on Remove .  Alternatively, after selecting the document by placing a checkmark, you can click on More, then Remove.

  2. Select the Trash folder and click on Empty trash to permanently delete any docs in your Trash folder.

Additional Considerations

  • If you are not the owner of a document, you may still remove the doc from your list, however it will not be shown in the Trash folder.
  • If you are the owner and sharing a document, upon deletion the document will be completely removed from Drive for all collaborators, and they will no longer have access to the document. Before deleting a document, you may want to make someone else its owner so that your collaborators can still access it.

For more information on deleting a Google @ 91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive document please consult .

How Do I Share or Change the Owner of a Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive document?

If you are the owner of a Google Drive document, you can share the document with other 91精品黑料吃瓜 users or assign ownership of the document to another 91精品黑料吃瓜 user.

Sharing a Google Drive document

  1. From the Drive document list, select the document by placing a checkmark, then click on Share .  Alternatively, after selecting the document by placing a checkmark, you can click on More, then Share.

  2. In the Sharing Settings window that appears, enter the email address or addresses of the user or users you would wish to share with.

  3. Choose the permission level that you wish to apply for the user or users (Edit, Comment, or View).

  4. Choose whether to notify the user or users that the document has been shared with them by checking the appropriate checkbox.

  5. Click Share & Save .

Changing ownership for a Google Drive document

  1. If you have not already shared the document with the person you wish to designate as the new owner, follow the steps above to share the document. If the document is already being shared with the person you wish to designate as the new owner, follow steps 2-5 below.

  2. From the Drive document list, select the document by placing a checkmark, then click on Share .  Alternatively, after selecting the document by placing a checkmark, you can click on More, then Share.

  3. In the Sharing Settings window that appears, click on the permission level next to the user you wish to designate as the new owner.

  4. Select Is Owner as the new permission level.

  5. Click Save changes.

Additional Sharing Information

  • Sharing can be quickly accessed while the document is open by clicking on the blue Share icon  in the upper right-hand corner.
  • By default, any individuals you share the document with who are assigned editing privileges can add other individuals and change permissions.  You can change this behavior in the Sharing Settings window by clicking on the Change link below the Add People area.
  • By default, the document will only be visible with individuals who you've explicitly added.  You can change this behavior in the Sharing Settings window by clicking on the Change link next to Private.


Google provides instructions on changing the owner from within the document or through the Docs list at the following link.


How Do I Upload or Download a Document Using Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive?

Uploading a document or file

You can upload files to Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive to be able to share and edit files online.

  1. In Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive, click on the red Upload  button.

  2. Select either Files or Folder depending on whether you would like to upload a single file or an entire folder.

  3. Navigate to and select the file or folder you wish to upload.

  4. Select the appropriate checkbox if you would like to convert the document to Google's document format(s) and optionally choose the folder and share permissions, then click Start upload.

For more information on uploading files to Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive please read

Downloading a document or file

  1. From the Drive document list, place a checkmark next to the document or documents you wish to download.

  2. Click on More, then select Download.

For more information on downloading/exporting files from Google Docs please read

Data encryption

Data uploaded and downloaded from Google Drive are generally encrypted in transit between Google Drive and your web browser using the TLS protocol. Additionally, all files uploaded to Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive (except videos) are encrypted while stored on Google's servers. Note, however, that when you provide access to a file or folder in Google Drive to another person, that person has access to the unencrypted data. Therefore, it is critical that you carefully maintain the list of users and groups that your file and folders are shared with in Drive to ensure that unintended audiences can't view or edit your data. Furthermore, the data encryption described here and in use with the Drive service does not imply a sufficient level of security to be used for confidential or personally identifiable information (PII).

Downloading and Installing the Google Drive for Desktop Application

Google Drive for desktop is an installable application that allows you to access Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive files from your local computer.

Downloading and installing the Google Drive for desktop

  1. Visit to download the application
  2. Select Download Drive for desktop
  3. Once downloaded follow the instructions to complete the installation

Additional information about the Google Drive for desktop application

  • By default, the Google application will start when your computer boots.  No additional action is required to sync new files when you turn on your computer.
  • A Google Drive icon will be placed in your taskbar (Windows) or your menu bar (Macintosh).  Clicking on this icon will display information about the application and allow you to access your files and settings. 

Getting Help for Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Drive

Google has very detailed online help articles.  In Google Drive, click on Settings  in the upper right corner of the screen, then select Help. Alternatively, you can browse directly to .

Known issues and recent fixes for Google docs can be found at .

You may also contact the  for support.

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Article ID: 1188
Created: Mon, 09 Aug 2010 1:40pm
Modified: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 12:22pm