Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar FAQs
This document is a general introduction to Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar, and will cover commonly used features. For detailed information, refer to Google's Calendar help center. Much of the information in the following articles was paraphrased from Google's support documentation.
- How do I create an event in Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
- How do I edit an event in Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
- How do I delete an event in Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
- How do I create a repeating event in Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
- How do I create a task in Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
- What are the different views in Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
- How do I create a new calendar in Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
- How do I share my Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
- How do I view someone else's Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
- How do I import events (iCal format) into Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
- Creating a filter for Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar reminders
- What are the available options in Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
- How do I get more help for Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar?
Creating an event using the "Create Event" button
- Click the Create Event button in the upper-left of Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar.
- Fill in the title, date, starting time, end time, location, and description of your event. If you're using multiple calendars, you can also select which calendar this event should be on from the Calendar drop-down menu.
- If you'd like to be reminded of your event, set your desired notification setting. You can be notified by email, text message, or a pop-up message on your computer (though this one only works if Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar is currently open on your computer).
- Click Save.
Creating an event by click and type
- Click on the day where you'd like to create a new event. If the event spans over an hour, click and drag.
- Type the title of your new event in the box.
- Finally, click "Create Event" to add the event to your calendar immediately, or click "Edit event details" to add additional information.
Creating an event from the calendar list
A list of calendars you've created or subscribed to is located on the left side of your calendar, within a box titled "My Calendars". From this list, click on the down-arrow button next to the calendar you wish to add an event to. Then, select "Create event on this calendar."
Creating an event using the "Quick Add" feature
Click on the "Quick Add" link on the upper left of Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar, or type the letter "q" (while in Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar). A box will appear. Enter your event's information into the box in this format:
- Title Time Day/Date
For example, entering
- Dinner at Genki Sushi 8PM Friday
will place an event titled "Dinner at Genki Sushi" at 8pm the Friday of the week you are on.
- Dinner at Genki Sushi 8PM 11/21
will place an event titled "Dinner at Genki Sushi" at 8pm on November 21, 2010.
After you enter the event information in the box, press the "Return" or "Enter" key.
For more information about the Quick Add feature, please visit
To view or edit the details of an event, click on the event and then click on "edit event details." You can also click on the event’s title to go directly into the event details. Modify the options as you wish. After you've made your desired changes, click on "Save."
Please note that you'll only be able to modify events on calendars you have permission to edit.
For more information, visit
Click on the event, then click on "Delete." You can also click on the event’s title, then click on the “Delete” button.
Please note your event will be deleted immediately, with no confirmation.
For more information, visit
To create a repeating event, follow these steps:
- Create an event and click on "edit event details". To modify an existing event, click on its title, or click on the event and select "edit event details".
- Check the box next to "Repeat..."
- Select the appropriate repeat interval, and set how often and how long to repeat the event.
- Click "Done."
If you don't see your preferred interval, please select the closest appropriate interval. Additional customization options will then appear.
Whenever you create a repeating event, it must start on the day you want it to repeat. For example, if you want something to repeat on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, the first occurrence must be created on the 2nd Tuesday of the starting month.
Example - Repeat on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. (Can also apply to 2nd Tuesday, 1st Friday, or whatever it is)
- Edit the first occurrence
- Check the box for "Repeats..."
- Under the “Repeats” drop-down menu, select Monthly
- Under the “Repeat by” section, select “day of the week”
- The green box under the “Repeats” section should change to say “Monthly on the third Wednesday”.
- Set the end date
- Click Done
- If the Tasks list is not showing, on the left side of Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar, under the "My Calendars" section, click on Tasks. The Tasks gadget will appear on the right side of your calendar grid.
- Click the + icon on the bottom of the Tasks gadget. You can also create a new task by clicking on a blank space within the Tasks gadget.
- A cursor will appear next to a checkbox. Type the title of your task here. If you wish to add a due date to your task, click on the “>” symbol that’s on the right side of your task’s title, then click on the calendar icon to select a date. Tasks that have due dates will automatically appear on your calendar in the All Day event section. You may add notes to your task in the Notes box that also appears when you click on >. Click on “Back to list” to return to your list of tasks.
- Another way to create a task with a due date is to click on an empty spot in the All Day section (available in the Day or Week views), or in the Month view. In the window that appears, click on the Task link, and fill in the appropriate information. When you are done, click on Create Task. Note that the due date for tasks created this way will be the day you clicked on.
- To mark a task as complete, click on the checkbox next to the task.
- You can remove completed tasks from the list (without deleting them) by clicking on the Action button at the bottom of the Tasks gadget, and selecting Clear completed tasks. If you ever need to view these tasks again, click on the Action button, then select View completed tasks.
- To delete a task, select it and click the trash can icon on the bottom of the Tasks gadget.
- To print a list of your tasks, click on the Actions button at the bottom of the Tasks gadget and select Print task list.
- To modify a task's due date, drag the task to a new day (as you would with a calendar event).
- You will see the same Task list whether you are in Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Mail or Calendar.
For more information on Tasks, please visit
If you click on the “Day” button, your calendar will display one day of events. The initial day shown will be the current date.
If you click on the “Week” button, your calendar will display one week of events. The first day shown will be whatever day you designated as the first day of the week in your settings. By default, this is Sunday, so the Week view will start with the Sunday before the current date.
If you click on the “Month” button, your calendar will display one month of events. The initial month shown will be the current month.
If you click on the “Agenda” button, your calendar will display in text format, as a listing of events. This is helpful if you are viewing your calendar on a small screen, such as a smartphone. You can click on the “Look for more” link to have more events appear in the listing.
For all of these views, you can navigate forwards and backwards by clicking on the arrows pointing left and right in the upper left of the calendar window. If you navigate away from today, the “Today” button will become available and you can click on it to quickly return to the current date.
The tab between “Month” and “Agenda” will say “4 Days” by default. If you click on this tab, you will see 4 days of events, starting with the current day. You can change the "4 Days" to something else under the “Custom View" setting.
You can create other calendars in addition to your main calendar. For example, you could create a separate calendar for things such as doctor’s appointments that you do not want on your main calendar. All of the calendars you create will be listed under "My Calendars" on the left side of your page.
To create a new calendar:
- Click the arrow to the right of "My calendars" and select Create new calendar.
- The Calendar Details page will appear. Enter a name, description, time zone, and add the email address of anybody you'd like to share the calendar with.
- Click "Create Calendar".

You can change the color associated with any of your calendars. Click the down arrow next to the appropriate calendar's name in the “My Calendars” list on the left, and select a new color from the menu that appears.
Please note that there's a limit to the number of calendars you can create at one time. If you're receiving an error message when creating additional calendars, please wait 24 hours before trying again.
For more information, visit
To share your calendar with everyone, follow these steps:
- In the “My calendars” section on the left side of the page, click on the down-arrow button next to the calendar you want to share, then select Share this calendar. Alternatively, click the "Settings" link at the bottom of the “My calendars” section, then click the “Share this calendar” link next to the calendar you want to share. This may also say "Shared: Edit Settings" if you have previously shared your calendar with someone else.
- Check the box next to "Share this calendar with others"
- If you want everyone, whether part of 91精品黑料吃瓜 or not, to be able to see your calendar, check the box next to "Make this calendar public".
- If you only want to share your calendar with people who are part of 91精品黑料吃瓜, check the box next to "Share this calendar with everyone in the organization University of Hawaii".
- Next to to the option you chose, select a level of permission from the drop-down menu. (See below for a description of the different permission levels.)
- Click on "Save" to save your changes.
To share your calendar with specific users, follow these steps:
- In the “My calendars” section on the left side of the page, click on the down-arrow button next to the calendar you want to share, then select "Share this calendar". Alternatively, click the "Settings" link at the bottom of the “My Calendar” section, then click the “Share this calendar” link next to the calendar you want to share. This may also say "Shared: Edit Settings" if you have previously shared your calendar with someone else.
- Enter the ( email address of the person you want to share your calendar with in the “Person” box.
- From the "Permission Settings" drop-down menu, select a level of permission, then click "Add Person". (See below for a description of the different permission levels.) Once you click Add Person, the person you selected to share the calendar with will receive an email invitation to view your calendar.
- Click on "Save" to save your changes.
These are the different levels of permissions:
- See only free/busy (hide details): If you select this, the person will be able to see that there are events on your calendar, but not any information about the event. All they will see is that your time is blocked off. All of your events will appear to them with the title “busy”.
- See all event details: If you select this, the person will be able to see everything on your calendar, except for events that you specifically mark private. They will not be able to make any changes, additions, or deletions to your calendar.
- Make changes to events: If you select this, the person will be able to see everything on your calendar, including private events, as well as make changes, additions, and deletions to your calendar.
- Make changes AND manage sharing: If you select this, the person will have the same access to your calendar as yourself. They can add, delete, or edit events, including private events. They can also edit the sharing settings and share your calendar with other people.
You can currently share your calendar with up to 75 users per day. If you'd like to share your calendars with more users, please wait 24 hours before trying again.
If you're having trouble sharing your calendar, remove the shared person from your calendar settings and share your calendar again to resolve the problem.
If you wish to view someone’s calendar, in the “Other calendars” section to the left, enter the email address of the person whose calendar you want to view, and press return or enter. If you do not currently have access, the “Add a friend’s calendar” window will appear. Make sure their email address is entered in the “Contact Email” box. In the “Request Access” box, type a short message requesting access to their calendar. Click on "Send Request". An email will then be sent to the person, and if they accept your request, their calendar will automatically be added to your “Other calendars” section.
If someone sends you a request for access to your calendar, you will receive an email message with a link. Click on the link. This will open the "Share this calendar" options for your calendar. The person’s email address will already be entered into the “Person” box. Choose a Permission Settings level, click "Add Person", then click "Save" to finish granting them access.
If someone grants you permission to their calendar, you will get an email notification, and their calendar will automatically be added under your “Other calendars” section. If they have given you "Make changes AND mange sharing" privileges, their calendar will appear under your "My calendars" section.
You can find instructions on importing events into Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar at this web page:
- Step 1 says to click on the "Add" down-arrow button. There is more than one "Add" link. Click on the Add link that is shown in the image below.
- If you are importing multiple calendars, and you wish to keep these calendars separate, you must create a new calendar for each calendar you wish to import before importing the calendar's events. For example, if you had an account with a "Work" calendar, and you wish to import this calendar into a new account, you must create another "Work" calendar in the new account before you do the import. Please see article for more information on creating a new calendar.
You may notice that your Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 calendar email reminders are going into your Spam folder. To prevent this, you need to create a mail filter.
- Login at
- Click on Settings (near the upper right corner). Depending on your browser, you may have to click on the gear-wheel icon in the upper right and select Mail Settings.
- Click on the Filters link
- Click on Create a new filter
- In the "From:" field, type
- Click on Next Step
- Check the box for Never send it to Spam
- Click on Create Filter
Your Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 calendar email reminders should now be delivered to your Inbox.
To access the Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar options, click on the "Settings" link in the upper right corner of the calendar window, then select "Calendar settings". Be sure to click on the "Save" button to save any changes you make to these options.
General Tab

By default, Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar will display in English. You can change it to display in a different language by clicking on the drop down menu and selecting that language.
By default, this is set to the United States. Click on the drop down menu if you are travelling in a different country and wish to set the calendar to a different time zone.
Your current time zone
By default, this is set to Hawaii Time. Click on the drop down menu to choose a different time zone. Only the time zones of the country you selected in the "Country" option will be available, unless you check the "Display all time zones" box.
If you click on the "Show an additional time zone" link, an additional column with that time zone will be displayed in the Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar window. If you fill in the "Label" box, the top of the column showing that time zone will have that label. For example, you could have the Hawaii time zone with the label "Hawaii" and the Eastern time zone with the label "Pittsburgh". When you return to the Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar window, there will be two columns, one showing the time in Hawaii and one showing the equivalent Eastern time. At the top of the column will be the "Hawaii" and "Pittsburgh" labels.
Date format
Click on the drop down menu if you want your dates (for example, within the Edit event details box) to appear in a different format.
Time format
Click on the drop down menu to choose between displaying the time in standard or military time.
Week starts on
By default, the day on the farthest left of the weekly view will be Sunday. Click on this drop down menu to change this to a different day of the week.
Working hours
You can set your working hours in this section, and check the box so that when people invite you to an event outside of your working hours, they will get a warning message. Check the days of the week you are available, and set your work times in the boxes.
Show weekends
If you choose Yes, then Sunday and Saturday will be shown on your calendar. If you check no, only Monday through Friday will be displayed.
Default view
This is the view that will be displayed when you first open your calendar. You may choose between Day, Week, Month, Custom View, and Agenda. For more information about the different views, please see .
Custom view
If you select "Custom View" under the "Default View" option, you can then choose what your custom view will display (4 days, 3 weeks, etc) from this drop down menu.
If you wish to use options such as the Weather, you should enter your location (city or zip code) in this box.
Show weather based on my location
If you select C (celsius) or F (farenheit), another line will be added to your calendar (right beneath the All day section) with icons for the weather forecast. (You may have to logout and log back in to see the weather icons.) Click on the icon for the actual weather forecast. The temperature will be displayed in celsius or farenheit, depending on what you chose in the settings.
Show events you have declined
If you choose yes, if someone invites you to a meeting and you decline, you will still see this meeting on your calendar.
Automatically add invitations to my calendar
If you select yes, all meeting invitations will be added to your calendar, and you will be reminded about them, regardless of whether or not you have responded to the invitation In other words, even if you didn't do anything at all, it will still be on your calendar and you will still be reminded about the meeting.
If you select "Yes, but don't send event reminders unless I have responded "Yes" or "Maybe", all meeting invitations will be added to your calendar, but you will only be reminded about those you have accepted or stated maybe.
If you select "No", meeting invitations will only be added if you respond "Yes" or "Maybe".
Alternate calendar
If you wish the dates for one of the available alternate calendars to display in your calendar, select it from this drop down menu.
Enable keyboard shortcuts
If you select "Yes", you can use the Google-programmed keyboard shortcuts in the calendar, instead of mouse clicks. Click on "Learn more" to see the available keyboard shortcuts.
Change account settings
It is not recommended to manage your password from this section. You should change your password at .
Calendars tab

If you click on the Calendars tab within the Calendar settings, you can edit settings for each of your calendars. There are two sections under this tab -- "My Calendars" and "Other Calendars". Everything listed in the "My Calendars" section are calendars that you have complete control over.
If you click on a calendar's name (furthest column on the left), you will be taken to a Calendar Details window for that calendar. On this window, you can change the following options.
Calendar Name
Use this to change the name that appears for the calendar in your "My Calendars" section, and also under the "Calendar" drop down menu when you are editing event details.
Use this to enter a description of your calendar
You can type in your location if you wish, or leave this blank.
Calendar Time Zone
You can use this option to set a Country and time zone just for this calendar. If you leave it at the default, the calendar will use the time zone you set under the General tab.
Auto-accept invitations
The default is for all meeting invitations to be added to your calendar, whether or not you accept it. You can change this to "Auto-accept invitations that do not conflict", which means that any invitation that does not conflict with an event that's already on your calendar will be accepted and added to your calendar. You can also choose "Do not show invitations", which means meetings will only be added to your calendar if you accept them.
Embed This Calendar
You can copy and paste the code shown into a website if you wish to display your calendar on a web page. You will have to grant make your calendar public for this option to work.
Calendar Address
Clicking on "XML", "ICAL", or "HTML" in this section will generate a link to your calendar in those formats, that you can give to others to use to subscribe to your calendar. For example, you could give the information generated by clicking on "ICAL" to someone who uses iCal on a Macintosh, and they would then be able to view your calendar from within iCal rather than logging into Google calendar. You will have to make your calendar public for these to work.
Private Address
Clicking on "XML", "ICAL", or "HTML" in this section will generate a link to your calendar in those formats, that you can use to subscribe to your calendar from an external program. For example, if you use iCal on a Macintosh, you could subscribe to your calendar from iCalusing the information from the "ICAL" button, and you would then be able to view your calendar from within iCal rather than logging into Google calendar. The information from the buttons in this section will grant access to all your events, so it's just for your use; do not give these out to anyone. If you suspect that the information has been given out, you can click on "Reset Private URLs" to generate a new set of information for each button.
Share this Calendar
When you are editing a specific calendar's options, one of the links at the top will be "Share this Calendar". Please refer to for information on this section.
When you are editing a specific calendar's options, one of the links at the top will be "Notifications"
Event reminders
By default, you will not be reminded of any event on your calendar, unless you specifically set a reminder. You can click on "Add a reminder" to change the default to always send you a reminder (unless you specify something different in a specific event). You can specify an email or pop-up reminder. The pop-up reminder only works if you have Google calendar open in your web browser.
Google has extensive documentation on their calendar here:
If you need further assistance with Google@91精品黑料吃瓜 Calendar, please contact the ITS Help Desk.