
Getting Started with Managing a LISTSERV Mailing List (Owners)

This document will cover the basics of managing a LISTSERV list, specific to the University of Hawai‘i, including how to use, set up, and manage them.

Any 91精品黑料吃瓜 faculty, staff member, or a student is allowed to request for a mailing list. However, students must be sponsored by a faculty or staff member. List topics should be directly related to academic and/or administrative work of the University.



General Information


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General Information

What is a Mailing List?

A mailing list is a tool that provides users with the means to disseminate information via email to groups of people. Rather than manually entering many individual email addresses on the message, you need only enter a single email address: that of the list. This list will contain the email addresses of those in the intended audience, called subscribers, thus simplifying the task of reaching all members of the group. Making use of a mailing list is especially useful when messaging to a particular group of people is frequent.

Individual mailing lists can be set up within email client software such as Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, Mac Mail, etc. However, these lists are specific to one account, and are only available from this account and possibly the specific email software Other people cannot use the list to send to the same group of people, unless they manually enter the group members’ email addresses or import the list from the source computer. Due to their disparate nature, these types of mailing lists can be difficult to use, share, maintain, and manage - especially at a larger scale. To address these issues, 91精品黑料吃瓜 offers a mailing list service called Listserv.

91精品黑料吃瓜 Listserv mailing lists are stored on the 91精品黑料吃瓜 Listserv server. To send a message to a group of email addresses, you would only need to send the message to the Listserv list’s email address. When the 91精品黑料吃瓜 Listserv server receives the message, it will distribute the message to the members (subscribers) of that list. Other people besides the list's creator/owner may also be given permission to use the list's email address to distribute a message to subscribers of the list. When sending to a 91精品黑料吃瓜 Listserv mailing list, it does not matter what computer or what email software you are using. Management and maintenance of a 91精品黑料吃瓜 Listserv list can also be performed from any device with access to the internet, and management duties can be shared among many users if desired.

The owner(s) of a Listserv list can configure it to behave differently according to their needs. The owner(s) may set specific permissions using keywords and/or templates to create different types of Listserv lists. The following are some common uses of Listserv lists:

·         One-way announcement – The list owners/administrators are the only people who are allowed to send messages to the subscribers. This type of list is primarily used for newsletters, announcements, and dissemination of information that does not require feedback from the list's subscribers.

·         Two-way discussion – The list administrators and subscribers are all permitted to send messages to the list. This type of list is primarily used for discussion groups engaged in the exchange of ideas and information centered around a specific topic or for members of an organization to discuss ideas and information related to that organization.

·         Moderated – The list administrator(s) will review all incoming messages. The list administrator(s) decides whether or not to allow the message to be sent to the subscribers of the list. Moderated lists can be used to control the discussion by keeping inflammatory, inappropriate, spam, or other unwanted messages from the reaching subscribers.

To use a Listserv list you would type the name of the list in the To: field of the outgoing email message. When you send the message, it will go to everyone who is subscribed to the list. For example, if there are twenty people that you normally send email to, you could create a Listserv list named "group-l" and add the twenty people as subscribers. The email address of this list would be group-l@lists.hawaii.edu. Once this list is created, instead of sending a message to twenty addresses:

TO: user1@hawaii.edu, user2@hawaii.eduuser20@hawaii.edu


You would send the message to the list address:

            TO: group-l@lists.hawaii.edu

Everyone who is subscribed to the group-l list will receive a copy of the message. This becomes especially helpful when the amount of people you need to email is very large. Rather than typing in the addresses of everyone individually, you can create a Listserv list and enter just one address. Using a Listserv list may also help prevent messages sent to a large number of individuals from being flagged as "spamming" behavior by Google or other email service providers.

For a more detailed description of the different features of using a mailing list, please refer to the online documentation available at:

How do I request a new LISTSERV list?
  1. Login to the  with your 91精品黑料吃瓜 username and password.
  2. Follow the instructions on the page. You will need to supply a name for the new list (must include a hyphen), provide a description, and select one of the configuration options.
  3. At the bottom of the page, acknowledge the terms of use (, , ) by checking off the boxes and click on "Request List".
List Owner's Responsibilities

A list owner is entrusted with its members’ personal information (email address and name), and this carries certain responsibilities with regards to ensuring privacy and security. You must determine what level of security is most appropriate for your list. For example, a closed family list where all members know each other personally may be set to Review=Private (any list member may get the list of all subscribed addresses), but any list with subscriptions open to the public should be set to Review=Owners. A hobby discussion list may operate with relaxed security and deal with transgressions as they occur, but a commercial newsletter must have very tight security as any breach will reflect poorly on the department/organization’s reputation. On an open discussion list, subscribers are aware that the discussion may sometimes stray off the topic, whereas on a moderated list they expect that you will exercise more control over what gets posted. On a one-way list, subscribers will hold you responsible for every posting.

As the owner of the list, it is your responsibility to:
  • Understand your list’s configuration.
  • Let subscribers know what they can expect from the list when they sign up.
  • Help subscribers subscribe and sign off.
  • Assist subscribers when they have difficulties with the list.
  • Ensure that the list abides by the site’s appropriate use policy and applicable laws (for example, disallow the propagation of copyrighted materials not belonging to the sender) included in the  and .
  • Prevent abuse of the list by third parties. For example, always require subscription confirmations on open lists, prevent outside access to subscriber email addresses (Review=Owner), and require confirmation of all postings to one-way lists (Send=…,Confirm).
  • Receive and review all mail sent to the listname-request address. This address is publicized as the way to get in touch with the list owner when a subscriber or potential subscriber requires assistance. 




How Can I Access LISTSERV?

You can perform actions in LISTSERV by sending a command through email or using the . Some commands are only available to LISTSERV administrators and list owners while other commands are available to subscribers and non-subscribers as well.

Using Email to Communicate with LISTSERV

There are two main email addresses that are used to work with LISTSERV lists. One is to communicate with the LISTSERV program — a “command address.” The other is used to post mail to the list — the “list address.” If you want to change a list configuration or subscription setting, you would email listserv@lists.hawaii.edu. If you want to post a message to the list, you would email the list address (ex: examplelist-l@lists.hawaii.edu). 

Using the Web Interface to Communicate with LISTSERV

Sending email messages containing commands to LISTSERV and posting messages to the list is sometimes confusing for people who are new to mailing lists. To simplify this process, the Web interface provides a centralized location for interaction with LISTSERV. You can use the Web interface to issue commands directly to LISTSERV and post simple messages to the list.

To access the Web interface, visit and sign in using your email address (example@hawaii.edu). First time users must submit an account request by registering a password.

What is the "OK" Confirmation?

To increase security, there are a number of actions for which LISTSERV requires confirmation before proceeding. In some cases, LISTSERV will accept a password-based validation. In other cases, email confirmation is required. When the latter happens, LISTSERV sends an email message with a subject line such as:

Subject:           Command confirmation request (787EF897)

The string of letters and numbers in parentheses (“787EF897” in the example) is called a “cookie” (sometimes referred to as a “confirmation code”) and is different for each request.

Once an “OK” confirmation request is sent out, you must confirm it within 48 hours in order for the corresponding command to be executed.

There are three methods of confirming a command:

  1. To confirm using the Web interface, click on the link provided in the email message sent to you.
  2. To confirm via email, reply to the email message keeping the Subject line and cookie intact. In the body of your reply, type “OK” (without the quotes).
  3. Alternatively, you can send a new email to listserv@lists.hawaii.edu with a blank subject line and the body of the message containing the text “OK xxxxxxxx” where “xxxxxxxx” is the cookie from the original confirmation request email.

The cookie is the most important part of the “OK” confirmation. LISTSERV randomly generates a new cookie for each action that requires validation. All privileges within LISTSERV are tied to an email address. Only someone with access to your email address can make changes to your LISTSERV account.

Caution: Never “OK” a cookie blindly. Make sure you are confirming a command that you initiated or a message that you want distributed to the list. Several cases of list “hijacking” or spam sent to well-secured lists have been tracked back to a list owner or moderator absent-mindedly clicking an OK link that they should not have clicked.

Accessing LISTSERV via the Web

This article provides a quick tour of the list management areas of the web interface. For more information about each page, refer to the online documentation by clicking on the question mark in the top-right corner. Some common tasks have been included in the next section.

Getting Started

To get started, navigate to and click on Log In.

If you have already registered with 91精品黑料吃瓜 LISTSERV, enter the email address and password you supplied when creating your account and click Log In. If this is your first time accessing 91精品黑料吃瓜 LISTSERV or if you are already registered but have forgotten your password, click on the respective Register Password or Forgot Password link and fill in the requested information. After submitting the form, a confirmation email will be sent to the address provided. Click on the link in the email to verify your request. Then, use the instructions above to log into your account using your new credentials.

Note: Your password for the LISTSERV must be a minimum of 5 non-space characters. This password is independent of your 91精品黑料吃瓜 username password. As with all passwords, you should create one that is unique, and you should not distribute it to others.

Navigating the Web Interface

The Web Interface is divided into the following parts:
  • Top Banner – This banner is diplayed at the top of every page. Clicking on the 91精品黑料吃瓜 LISTSERV logo on the far left will take you to the start page designated within your preferences. The button to the right of the 91精品黑料吃瓜 LISTSERV logo can be used to toggle the navigation pane. On the right side, clicking on your email address will show your account profile. Finally, the ? button in the top-right corner will bring up documentation on the current page. 
  • Navigation Pane – On the left side of the main form is the navigation pane. The navigation pane stays the same from page to page and contains links to various areas of the web interface that you have access to. These areas can be grouped into two main categories: List Management, and Subscriber Options.
  • Resources – This section contains links to general information, user documentation, frequently asked questions, and the request form for new lists.

In LISTSERV 17.0, you can choose between two modes for the web interface.
  • Basic – Only the most common options are shown, but no tutorial text is displayed. This is the best mode for those users who are familiar with LISTSERV, but who are not experts and do not need to use the more advanced features. This is the default setting.
  • Expert – Similarly to Basic mode, each web page is displayed with no tutorial text. However, certain pages may contain advanced options that are not available in Basic mode. Expert mode is available for users who are very familiar with LISTSERV or need access to any advanced settings.

To change the mode, click on Preferences in the Navigation Pane on the left. Make sure that the General tab is selected. Then, use the drop-down menu next to Mode to make the desired selection. Finally, click on the Update button to save your choice.

List Owner Management

Below is a listing of list management pages accessible via the navigation pane on the left. If you are the owner of only one list, the management page for that list will be displayed. If you own more than one list, you will need to use the drop-down menu to select the list you want to modify.

List Dashboard
This section displays a user interface that organizes and presents information about your list(s). Additionally, you can quickly access some list configuration settings by clicking on the corresponding fields within the table.
List Moderation
If your list has moderation enabled, this section will display incoming messages that require approval before being forwarded out to list subscribers.
List Configuration
This section displays various settings for lists you own. The following are some of the items that can be configured: administrators, subscription settings, security settings, archives and logs, allowed attachments, error handling, and distribution settings.
List Customization
This section displays color and appearance customization options.
List Reports
This section allows list owners to generate reports on their lists or search for lists meeting specific criteria.
Subscriber Reports
This section displays the current subscribers of a list and their subscription settings.
List Activity Reports
This section displays reports on specific events that occured within a given time frame.
Subscriber Management
This section allows you to add, remove, and modify subscription settings for individual subscribers.
Web Templates
This section allows you to customize the LISTSERV web interface.
Mail Templates
This section allows you to customize automated emails sent by a list.
Newsletter Templates
This section allows you to create and modify HTML templates for newsletters sent via a list.
LISTSERV Command This section allows you to issue text based commands to the LISTSERV processor without using your email address.


Common List Configuration Settings

Simple Mail Redirect (Mail Alias)

Description: This configuration simulates a mail alias. A message posted to the list is simply forwarded to all subscribers. Messages sent to the list are not archived or kept on the server. Subscription to this list is restricted and requires the owner’s approval; however, anyone may post to the list.
Header Settings:
Subscription= By_Owner
Send= Public
Attachments= All
Errors-To= Owner
Confidential= No
Validate= Yes, Confirm
Reply-to= List, Respect
Review= Owners
Notebook= No
Owner= joe@example.com

Public Listserv Lists

Description: Public LISTSERV lists are available for people to search for and request a subscription. Set “Confidential” to “No” to make your LISTSERV list public and “Subscription” to “Open” to allow a user to subscribe without the need of the owner’s approval.
Header Settings:
Subscription= Open
Send= Public
Attachments= All
Errors-To= Owner
Confidential= No
Validate= Yes, Confirm
Reply-to= List, Respect
Review= Owners
Notebook= Yes,/listserv/root/lists/mylist-l,Monthly
Owner= joe@example.com

One-Way Announcement List

Description: Only the owner(s) or moderator(s)/editor(s), in this case joe@example.com, are allowed to send mail to this list. Subscription is unrestricted (anyone can subscribe to this list). The list is archived monthly.
Header Settings:
Subscription= Open
Send= joe@example.com
Attachments= All
Errors-To= Owner
Confidential= No
Validate= Yes, Confirm
Reply-to= List, Respect
Review= Owners
Notebook= Yes,/listserv/lists/mylist-l,Monthly
Owner= joe@example.com
Note: To allow multiple senders to the list, add email addresses separated by commas next to the send keyword:
Send= joe@example.com, jane@example.com, jack@example.com
Send= joe@example.com
Send= jane@example.com
Send= jack@example.com

Moderated (Editor Based)

Description: All messages sent to the list are reviewed by an editor, who is responsible for checking the appropriateness and correctness of a message, before forwarding the message to the list. Moderated lists reduce the amount of “spam” messages received by subscribers since postings are filtered by the editor.
Note: You must have at least one editor specified. Click on List Configuration. Then, click on the Administrators tab and enter the desired email address(es).
Header Settings:
Subscription= By_Owner
Send= Editor
Editor= jane@example.com
Attachments= All
Errors-To= Owner
Confidential= No
Validate= Yes, Confirm
Reply-to= List, Respect
Review= Owners
Notebook= Yes,/listserv/lists/mylist-l,Monthly
Owner= joe@example.com

Moderated (Approve/Disapprove) 

Description: All messages sent to the list are reviewed and approved by the moderator(s) of the list. Subscription to this list is restricted and must be approved by the list owner. Unlike a moderated list with an editor, the moderator approves or disapproves a message, but cannot change its contents.
Note: You must have at least one editor specified. Click on List Configuration. Then, click on the Administrators tab and enter the desired email address(es).
Header Settings:
Subscription= By_Owner
Send= Editor, Hold, Confirm
Editor= jane@example
Moderator= All, jack@example.com, jill@example.com
Attachments= All
Errors-To= Owner
Confidential= No
Validate= Yes, Confirm
Reply-to= List, Respect
Review= Owners
Notebook= Yes,/listserv/lists/mylist-l,Monthly
Owner= joe@example.com
Note: Moderation can also be done in a round-robin fashion. To enable this, simply remove the ‘All’ following Moderator.

            Moderator= jack@example.com, jill@example.com

Common Tasks Using the LISTSERV Web Interface

To add a subscription (for list owners):

  1. Under the List Management options in the navigation pane on the left, click on Subscriber Reports.
  2. Select the list you would like to manage from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the text field beneath Add Subscriber, enter the email address you would like added to the list.Click the Add Subscriber button

To remove a subscription (for list owners):

  1. Under the List Management options in the navigation pane on the left, click on Subscriber Reports.
  2. Select the list you would like to manage from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the checkbox next to each subscriber’s address to select them. If you need to search for specific subscribers, the search bar underneath the Subscribers column header can be used to filter email addresses.
  4. Once all subscribers that need to be deleted have been selected, click on Delete Subscribers at the bottom of the page.
  5. A message will appear asking if you are sure you would like to delete the selected subscribers. Press Delete to confirm.
  6. Verify that the subscribers no longer exist by searching for them.

To add or delete multiple subscriptions (for list owners):

  1. Create a text (.txt) file with the subscribers you want to add to or remove from the list. The file should contain one email address, optionally followed by the subscriber's first and last name separated by a space, per line. (Ex: jdoe@hawaii.edu John Doe)
  2. Under the List Management options in the navigation pane on the left, click on Subscriber Reports.
  3. Select the list you would like to manage from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on Bulk Operations.
  5. Select the option corresponding to the action you would like to take, click Choose File, and upload the text file you created in Step 1 using the resulting prompt.
  6. Click on the Import button to add or remove the subscriber(s). Some text in blue should appear detailing the changes made to your list.

To change your list’s configuration: 

  1. Under the List Management options in the navigation pane on the left, click on List Configuration.
  2. Select the list you would like to manage from the drop-down menu.
  3. Make the desired changes to your list settings and click on Update.
Common Tasks Using Email

If you are used to using email to make changes to your list, you can continue to do so. To issue commands to LISTSERV, compose an email to listserv@lists.hawaii.edu with a blank subject line. The body of the message should contain only commands to LISTSERV with one command per line. Lines containing non-commands will result in an error message being returned. Be careful not to include your signature in your email if you have one set up, as LISTSERV will attempt to interpret the signature text as commands and return “Invalid command” errors. Below are some common commands you can issue via email:

  1. To obtain a listing of all the public mailing lists on the 91精品黑料吃瓜 server:

  1. To add a subscriber to a list (for list owners):

    add history150-l 
    jdoe@hawaii.edu Jane Doe
  2. To delete a subscriber from a list (for list owners):

    delete history150-l jdoe@hawaii.edu

  3. Getting Help:



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Article ID: 1066
Created: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 8:38am
Modified: Mon, 03 May 2021 11:24am